Thursday, April 2, 2009


I wrote this a couple of years of ago, I don't know whether you will like it. But this ones is very close to me. I hope you will like it. Its a conversation between me my friend and me.

One day my friend said No I can't,
i said yes you can.
Hes said He is sleeping,
I said yes he is dreaming.
He said everything is mortal,
I said thing is mortal,
thoughts are immortal,
He said water is draining from sky,
I said yes its raining,
He said here we are alone,
I said yes we are in peace,
He said I can't do it ,its improbable,
I said it just looks improbable but after some time it will in inevitable,
He said how can i do it,
I said by Hard work and believing in it.
He said why waste time in hard work,
I said it the ultimate cost of success,
He said isn't there any other way,
I said if you can get light without burning oil,
If you reach the peak without climbing the mountain,
If baby can walk without falling down,
If the mighty one's can achieve greatness without suffering.
Then my friend there definitely would have been another way.
He said why there is suffering in the path of success.
I said tell me what separates a stone from a diamond.
He said of course the cost,
I said No , The difference is in effort.
He said I can't understand,
I said look dear one, To get a diamond man goes beneath the earth,
stakes his life, digs millions of tonnes of soil. To just get a small piece
of diamond.
So there never will be a great victory without great agony. because agony and ecstasy are mingled together like day with night and darkness with light.
He said but there is agony,
I said to separate the successful from unsuccessful.
He said but how,
I said agony tests the character of man,
agony is like a pure fire which moulds the gold into proper shape.
It lets the man know he is capable off.
He said OK I will work hard but I don't have faith,
I sad then trust on God.
He said but I don't believe in god,
He said that's why you do not believe in yourself.
He said will you explain who god is,
I said God is love and love is god.
He said How love and believe are mingled together,
I said because In love you believe in whom you love and
In Believing you love whom you believe.
and in all you find happiness in pain and tears in cheer's.
He said I want to know what joy is,
I said If you want to know joy,
then see it in child's face or look it in the glittering eyes of your dog.
He said yes but where from they get it,
I said from treasury of God.
He siad how can I get it,
I said simply start loving everything.
He said again we are back to love,
I said yes because it is what by which men live by.
He said how can you say that men live myt love,
I said because everything that we do is at some point is attached to love.
He said I think I all know This,
I said Yes I know all this.
But there is difference in knowing the path and walking the path.
And we all make choices which makes the difference.
He said finally tell me how can decide between good and evil,
I said If you will be truthful to that inner voice and can say that after watching this
god will be please and will be proud to say , He is my son. Then you are correct.

He said , You know everything and i know nothing,
I said No my dear lovely friend,
How can you say that you know nothing, If it was such then
from where come all this spiritual question. Because there
lives in you an undiscovered soul, There lives unilluminated lamp,
there lives an eager soul ready to leave its mark on sand of time.
So that humankind follow it. And
Question who the great one was?

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