Friday, May 15, 2009
Making Our Should's as must
One of the problem everyone faces is that of procrastination i.e we know that we should do a thing but we don't do it.Did you ever tried to figure out why it happens...
Suppose, you got an exam on 25' June and today's date is 5 June. So, you will think that we will study from tomorrow. Although from inside you know you must study but you don't do that. Now its 10 june, pain gets stronger you feel uneasy, but you say i will start from 13th June. Now, its 15th june, the pain gets even stronger, but you still don't pick up the book. Now its 22june, the pain is unbearable but you say from tomorrow i will study.Now its 24th june now you have to face it, now you got to study because the fear of failure, the pain of failure is greater than not picking up the book. Now you will study.. Now the should is converted into must....Now its a must to study,its not a should anymore.
Thats what happens in relationships, you hang in their even though their is little bit pain in it, you don't say anything to the partner. When the pain becomes unbearable you quit the relationship. Thats what happens in everything in life, you wanna loose the weight, you crrrrrrrrry out , o shit o shit, holygod i should loose weight, but
i don't get rid of this fuckin weight. Alhough you feel bad when your thunder thighs don't get into your favourite pair of jeans but thats not enough.... but you still keep on eating that garbage food like a rotten pig... unless one day doctor says yooooooou smelling pig, you got blooodsugar and mild heartattack. Now all horns go up and first thing on the next morning is you got to the gym and run like crazy. What happened, someone slapped your dirty ass, you felt so much pain that you said too yourself, man "we must change".
So the key is to make things must, whatever you want to achieve. It should be a must.
So how to turn a should into a must. First thing that you must understand is that we are nothing but emotions, everything that you and i do is because of emotions... you may say that i do thing because of selfinterest but that's bullshit when emotions comes into picture. If you can enough emotions than you can do anything. Suppose if i tell you to talk to stranger , intially you will be scared and you will think thousand times before talking to him or her. Try it once and see your body language. Your shoulders will be lymped, your heart will be pounding. You will be scared and tell you 95 people out of 100 won't even dare.
Now, i make a twist what if i tell you that, if you don't talk then your whole family will die of hunger, you will beg all your life and you won't get married. Now you just go to person and talk with him because its no more a should and its a must.
Now, let us makes some changes what if tell you that the person is your school mate, now what will do you will go and hug him and kiss him in the places people won't like too know. Now what has changed, your prespective has changed. The way you think about has changed.
So do what you want to with your life,make it a must. talk with the girl you always wanted to speak and propose her. Don't think about the rejection. If you want to acheive something make it must. Thats the way people achieve something in life.
Till next post bye and have great time.
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