Sunday, March 29, 2009

Our Mistakes and fears.

If you read this, please forgive me.

Last night i had the most beautiful dream of my life. I saw myself on lush green grass, air was disturbing the grass in all directions. The sun was shining bright. Everything seemed very beautiful, very pleasant. The air was filled with fragrance and i knew i am at peace. And then i saw myself in the laps of god. I said to God that all my life i looked for love and understanding. A deep need for care. I lost people who cared for me. I can't live alone all my life. I said to god i am in deep pain. Then he said " why do you fear my son, He said you will receive everything that you need,
you will receive everything that you lost. But have faith."
When he said that all my frustration went away. I felt better.
Sometime men do such thing that are never expected from them maybe because of frustration, or for a sense of belonging, maybe because of fear of loneliness. But Men are humans too.
They too fall down, they too stumble. It is not falling down but its in the standing up all over again after falling down lies our strength. Sometimes we don't want to hurt, its not our intention.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

What Love means

In my life I found that ,
answers to simple questions are most difficult,
And for every difficult question there is a simple answer.
Love can be as simple making someone smile with a simple gesture or
it can be sacrificing your whole life for a person.
But if you look carefully, love is doing something for other person.
So it is selfless act in which there is no profit, no loss.
You do it just because you want to do it.
Sometime back my friend asked me.......
what is love?
And i wrote these lines......
" I asked sky and earth,
oceans and mountain,
what is love, they said nothing,
I asked trees and flowers,
and they said nothing..
I asked moon and stars,
they too said nothing..
then i sat beside the sea for days and weeks,
and then i realized that,
love is like a ocean
passionate at the surface but peaceful and silent in depths,
its like sky infinite and endless,
its like earth that never complains and endures everything,
its like mountain which has valleys and peaks,
its like trees and flowers always giving never expecting,
its like moon and stars that lightens darkness with beauty and light,
and in all of them i just saw your image.....
and i thought Yeah that's what love is...."